Meets Annually
David Murphy
City Manager
Kate Knight
Vice Chair - DDA Executive Director
Joe LaRussa
Chair - Mayor
Chuck Eudy
Public Works Superintendent
Stephen Grech
Meaghan Bachman
Secretary - City Clerk


Chris Weber
Ex Officio - Director of Finance & Administration


The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority was established by the Farmington City Council in 2002 to promote the revitalization, redevelopment, and reuse of commercial and industrial property within the City that is environmentally contaminated, blighted, or functionally obsolete. The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority may implement brownfield redevelopment plans, investigate sites regarding environmental contamination, and utilize tax increment financing to assist with the remediation of a site and its redevelopment. The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority consists of six members and must meet at least once per year.

Agendas and Minutes